Sunday, October 16, 2005

Un viaje a la feria.

A journey in stereo across Barcelona: from El Liceu to Tibidabo by metro, foot, tram and funicular.

Hear the street sounds of the city: the traffic, passers-by and performers; the journey and, when you get to the top, the fun at the fair.

Take the second train that comes; walk across the Plaza de Cataluña; another train and a tram, coast in on the funicular, and we're there - at the fair. (All journeys are much shortened here.)

It's about 24 minutes in all, and it gets noisy at times.
It's all loud anyway (first I've done): please adjust volume accordingly.

Listening might be a bit risky if you are in motion, as some of the sounds will confuse with live street sounds.

Visit the Tibidabo site (in English, Spanish and Catalan).

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