Wednesday, February 08, 2006

'Aranj-U-ez' from Atocha.

'j' followed by 'u'

In Atocha Station, wanting to go to Aranjuez, I enquired at the desk. Being confused about pronounciation of 'g's and 'j's followed by 'u's and 'e's (or 'i's) and use of the sound 'ch' (as in Scottish 'loch' or German 'Bach'), I pronounced the town name: Aran-'ch'-eth.

The lady behind the desk, correcting me, very clearly (though politely) enunciated: Arran-'ch'-WH-ayth.

If you're not sure, here's the Castilian rules on 'g's and 'j's:

g before e or i = 'ch', as in 'loch' (gente - people)
g before a or o = 'g', as in 'go' (garaje - garage)

gu before e or i = 'g', as in 'go' (guerra - war)
gu before a or o = 'goo', as in 'guano' (guante - glove)

before e or i = 'goo', as in 'guano' (vergüenza - shame)

j before any vowel = 'ch', as in 'loch' (Jerez, Maja)

ju before any vowel = 'wh', as in 'when', strongly aspirated (jueves - Thursday. And Aranjuez)

Picture shows the Royal Palace of Aranjuez.
Photo © 2006 S Carlos


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